
Monday, 22 October 2012

A Hanuman Story for Ram Dass

My First Book:

A Hanuman Story for Ram Dass

I have been living and writing in the Himalayas for the last six months and finally have something to show for it:

Several years ago I met Ram Dass at a small gathering and told him this story. He said that he had never heard parts of it before and I promised to send it to him. Here is the fulfillment of that promise. 

I had already created an Audio Version  of the same story several years ago. This book is a written version of that, with Indian Miniature Paintings and old Poster Art from India.

Presently, I am working on several other stories from the Indian Tradition. Now that I can publish my own books, I can give up the years of waiting for some publisher to take my work. Technology has finally caught up with me and I can write, print and distribute on my own. Soon, I hope to be creating my stories in eBook editions with music and video and lots of background. 

I am greatly excited about this, as I have been including audio and video on the Website version of my writing for years.

Peter Malakoff
Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India
Old Manali, Himachal Pradesh
e-mail: petermalakoff@gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. A hanuman story of ramdas is a unique article. Thank you. Regards,
    hanuman chalisa.
